Appointment System
Routine face to face appointments with a GP are available to book up to six weeks in advance. In addition to this several face to face appointments are released daily from 08.30 and are allocated on a first come first served basis.
You can make a telephone appointment with a GP up to six weeks in advance. The Doctor will call you on your preferred day and if you need to be seen face to face the Doctor will appoint you.
If you consider your need to be urgent, you will be given a telephone triage appointment with a Doctor for the same day. If the Doctor needs to see you, you will be given a face to face appointment.
Our Practice Nurse appointments are available to book for up to six weeks in advance.
Extended Hours Appointments (available for patients who cannot attend the Surgery during normal consulting times due to work or travel commitments) are pre-bookable as normal.
Our appointment system is constantly under review.
Telephone lines - 8.00 to 8.30 Emergencies Only
8.30 to 17.30 - Open for Appointments etc...
An appointment system is in operation in our Surgery. Urgent cases will always be accommodated. (Ask for details). You may see any Doctor in the Practice.
Please note: 1 patient per appointment. Children under 16 years should be accompanied by a responsible adult
If you require to speak to a doctor you can book a telephone slot and the doctor will call you back on your preferred phone number. Please speak to a Receptionist for further information.